30 de outubro de 2024

OLI Receive the 2024 Exporters Award

OLI Receive the 2024 Exporters Award
In celebration of their 70th anniversary, OLI - Sistemas Sanitários, a member company of the Association of Family Businesses, was honoured by the Luso-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the 2024 Exporters Award. This recognition reflects the company's trajectory of sustainable growth and the strengthening of its international presence, consolidated with the recent acquisition of the French company Regiplast. 

The award ceremony took place during the 30th edition of the Luso-French Trophies, a high-profile event that brought together business leaders from Portugal and France. The award emphasises OLI's commitment to innovation, sustainability and competitiveness, reaffirming its impact on the Portuguese and European economy as an example of excellence in the sector.